Payroll is One of Those Complex Jobs that you Can Do Without

If you are like many small business owners, you may very well be working from home as a result of Covid-19. As you have probably found out, there are actually some advantages to working from home, the chief of which is that you don’t have to spend two hours – or even more – every day stuck in traffic or sitting on a train.

However, there are also some disadvantages, such as there may be things that you can’t do like pop into another office to discuss something with a partner or employee who is also working from home and, for all you know, may be out shopping or taking the dog for a walk. As long as your employee gets everything done that he/she needs to by the end of the day, you may not know where they are or what they are doing at any given moment.

There may also be items in the office that are only used occasionally and are not to hand, so you have to improvise.

Then, of course, there is the issue of payroll. Wherever your employees may be and whatever they are doing, they are still going to need to be paid if they are working, or paid from the government purse if they are furloughed for some time. Payroll can always be a headache for small business owners, but at times like these it gets even more complicated, and that is why, at PayCheck, we are finding that more and more small businesses are using our UK payroll services, because they can get rid of the whole thing – lock, stock, and barrel.

Even if you only have a handful of employees, payroll can be tricky, and of course the more you have, the more complex it becomes because there can be so many different variations. The chief problem, apart from all the many variations and rules and regulations that you have to follow, is just how much time payroll can take out of your working day. Now, more than ever, you need to be concentrating on bringing in cash, and hopefully new customers, into your business, but you can’t be doing that while you are calculating how much tax to deduct from your salesman’s commission this month, how much to pay into his pension pot, and all the other possible alterations, before you can finally send him his pay cheque or carry out a bank transfer.

When you use our UK payroll services, you don’t have to do any of that at all. We can do absolutely everything for you, including sending out all your staff payments if you want us to. You can literally hand everything over to us and forget about it. The only thing that you need to do is to ensure that the money is in the bank, and it is a lot easier to do that when you are not sitting there with your nose buried deep in the ins and outs of tax deductions. You can be doing what you should be doing, which is keeping your business running in these extraordinary times and seeking out new opportunities as well.

At PayCheck we can run everything for you because it is all we do. So we have everything set up, and we can respond instantly to any changes, such as furlough payments, that Rishi Sunak may make. That enables you to get on with running your business in the knowledge that all of your payroll is compliant with every piece of legislation, along with changes as they happen. So you never need to worry about making a genuine error and then finding that HMRC starts fining you for making a mistake.

This article was written by
The Pay Check Team